Journal of Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) a Scientific Journal in the field of Supply chain, Operations research, Modeling, Information Systems, Information science, Data science, Information Technology, Digital Business and related to decision making which contains scientific writings on the results of pure research and applied research in the field of information systems and information technology as well as general reviews of the development of theories, methods, and related applied sciences..

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Published: 2024-06-30

Anomaly detection in network security systems using machine learning

Nughroho Adhi Santoso, Rezi Lutfayza, Bangkit Indarmawan Nughroho, Gunawan Gunawan


Customer segmentation in sales transaction data using k-means clustering algorithm

Bangkit Indarmawan Nugroho, Ana Rafhina, Pingky Septiana Ananda, Gunawan Gunawan



Implementation of fuzzy mamdani method in predicting cayenne chili prices in Tegal Regency

Sarif Surorejo, Ahadan Fauzan Mutaqin, Rifki Dwi Kurniawan, Gunawan Gunawan


Detection of normal chicken meat and tiren chicken using naïve bayes classifier and glcm feature extraction

Sarif Surorejo, Muhamad Rizal Ubaidillah, Syefudin Syefudin, Gunawan Gunawan


Application of sma method and ahp to predict the level of tidal flood vulnerability in Tegal City

Bangkit Indarmawan Nugroho, Muhammad Farkhan, Sawaviyya Anandianskha, Gunawan Gunawan


Application of artificial neural network method for early detection of dengue fever

Sarif Surorejo, Isna Lidia Ningrum, Pingky Septiana Ananda, Gunawan Gunawan

