Decision Support System to assess customer satisfaction using Analytical Hierarchy Process
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Transportation is an important aspect of mobility or global movement and activities. As public transportation that can be accessed online by the public, Gojek and Grab types of transportation provide transportation services and are growing rapidly. At the time of Covid 19 around 2020, online transportation was very important and much sought after. More and more online transportation companies are appearing, especially in Tegal City, so that there are more service offerings that consumers can use. User or consumer satisfaction measurements were carried out using Fuzzy Logic Method Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) on 200 consumers who used Gojek or Grab or other online transportation for 3 to 4 months in 2022 in Tegal City. The results obtained by customers or consumers were satisfied with Gojek transportation at 45%, with male consumers at 67%, and Grab at 37%, with male consumers at 65%, followed by other online transportation (X and Y). These results can be used as an option for consumers who expect the best service.
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