Journal of Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) a Scientific Journal in the field of Supply chain, Operations research, Modeling, Information Systems, Information science, Data science, Information Technology, Digital Business and related to decision making which contains scientific writings on the results of pure research and applied research in the field of information systems and information technology as well as general reviews of the development of theories, methods, and related applied sciences..

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Published: 2024-03-30

Application of fuzzy expert system method for early detection of dengue fever

Alan Eka Prayoga, Sarif Surorejo, Rifki Dwi Kurniawan, Gunawan Gunawan


Classification of fresh chicken meat and tainted chicken meat using naive bayes classifier algorithm

Ahmad Muzakky Zain, Aang Ali Murtopo, Nurul Fadila, Gunawan Gunawan


Machine learning algorithm-based decision support system for prime bank stock trend prediction

Gunawan Gunawan, Wahyu Budiono, Wresti Andriani, Naella Nabila Putri Wahyuning Naja


Regional function-based land use balance

Wa Ode Nurhaidar, Surya Kurniawan, Ghefra Rizkan Gaffara


Application of the viola-jones algorithm method to recognize faces of Stmik Tegal students

Muchamad Nauval Azmi, Bangkit Indarmawan Nugroho, Pingky Septiana, Gunawan Gunawan


Application of computer vision techniques to detect diseases and pests of chili plants

Akhmad Nurokhman, Sarif Surorejo, Rifki Dwi Kurniawan, Gunawan Gunawan
