Application of fuzzy logic method to determine the level of damage to buildings in elementary schools
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This study aims to provide information effectively and efficiently about the condition of damage to elementary school buildings to assist schools in determining decisions about buildings in schools that must be repaired immediately. In research, the application of fuzzy logic methods to assess the extent of damage to elementary school buildings will depend heavily on the research design, processes, and data used to develop and test fuzzy logic models. This approach involves reviewing, synthesizing, and evaluating a variety of literature sources, including scientific journals, books, conference papers, articles, and other written sources. It is important to consider that the value and novelty of a study can be assessed by the scientific community and practitioners in related fields, and the results will depend on the ability of that research to make a meaningful contribution. The value of applying fuzzy logic methods to determine the extent of damage to elementary school buildings will provide a more complete picture of the contribution of such research to science and practice in the field concerned.
Article Details
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