Journal of Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) a Scientific Journal in the field of Supply chain, Operations research, Modeling, Information Systems, Information science, Data science, Information Technology, Digital Business and related to decision making which contains scientific writings on the results of pure research and applied research in the field of information systems and information technology as well as general reviews of the development of theories, methods, and related applied sciences..

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Published: 2023-06-30

Naïve bayes on diagnostic expert system for menstrual disorders

Adie Wahyudi Oktavia Gama, I Nyoman Gde Artadana Mahaputra Wardhiana


The design of flood disaster monitoring dashboard for DKI Jakarta

Via Angelika, Tony Tony, Manatap Dolok Lauro


Robust mathematical model for supply chain optimization

A comprehensive study

Lise Pujiastuti, Mochamad Wahyudi, Barreto Jose da Conceição, Fristi Riandari


Optimizing maternal and child health services with operations research techniques approach

Fitri Andriani, Setia Sihombing, Sapnita Sapnita, Tri Suci Dewiwati
