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Taozara Laia
Penda Sudarto Hasugian


Eye disease due to frequent use of computers is one of the dangerous diseases in health because if not treated quickly it will result in blindness. These eye diseases can be diagnosed through the symptoms that arise in humans or through their clinical picture, through these symptoms an expert system can be made to make a diagnosis. An expert system is a system that seeks to adopt human knowledge to a computer that is built to solve problems like an expert. The expert system made in carrying out the diagnosis uses the Bayes theorem method to calculate the probability of an event occurring based on the influence obtained from the results of observations and experts. The system was built using PHP and MySQL programming as a database. The method used for tracing is Bayes' theorem. While the results of the diagnosis will inform about the results of the diagnosis containing a list of symptoms entered, information on the results of the rules regarding the eye disease suffered and information about possible treatments that can be carried out as well as treatment solutions.


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Laia, T., & Hasugian, P. S. . (2022). Expert System to Diagnose Eye Disease Due to Frequently Using Computer with Bayes Theorem Method. Journal of Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS), 5(1), 1-9.
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